
From Global Press Conference, 8.9.2004

 ※日本語訳は川井が行い、意訳もしましたので、正しくないところもあるかと思います<(_ _)>

The Vedic System of Earning :


Question: How can people make the money they need, to have a life of security and comfort without ruining their health and their life ?
MAHARISHI: “ Take a lesson from the animals. Where is money in the world of monkeys? And where is money in the world of ants or elephants? It is a big misnomer. It is only a network of ignorance.
マハリシ: “動物から学ぶことができます。 猿の世界にお金があるでしょうか? そして、蟻や象の世界でお金を使っていると聞いたことがありますが? それは大変不適切な呼びかたです。 それは無知の情報網に過ぎません。
The Vedic system of earning is to stimulate total Natural Law in our desire to have anything.
Total Natural Law obeys our command in the Vedic system of culturing the mind.
To culture your mind, you need to take your awareness to the “source of thought”.
From that field of unmanifest nothingness, the memory of everything wakes up in your awareness. Then infinite Creative Intelligence supports your desires, actions, and behavior.
その形のない無の領域から、あらゆる記憶があなたの気づきの中で目覚めてきます。 すると、あなたの欲望、行動、振る舞いは無限の創造的知性に支えられるようになります。
“Transcendental Meditation” trains the mind to consciously start a thought from the self-referral Unified Field, the field of total Natural Law within oneself. From there, we fulfill a desire. It is a different philosophy.
「超越瞑想」は、心が意識的に総合的自然法の統一場・自己参照的場から思考を始める訓練します。 そこは自己に内在する総合的自然法の場です。その場から私達は欲望を満たします。 それは(通常とは)異なる哲学です。
It is a philosophy of slavery to educate a man to do something and give him so much money. Then you give him more money to make him work more.
人を何かするように教育し、彼に大金を与えるというのは奴隷制度の哲学です。 その時、彼がもっと働くためによりたくさんのお金をあげます。
This is a science of slavery, a philosophy of dependence.
“ Your most obedient servant ” !!!….. what a fine thing.
“ あなたの最も従順な召使い ” !!!….. なんと素晴らしい。(←最高の皮肉だと思います。川井)
You remain a servant of the person for a few thousand coins every month, and then you can buy your fruit here and there.
In Vedic system, you can train your mind to get the support of total Natural Law, which runs this whole universe, which can help you fulfill your desires.
The proof of this is in ” Yogic Flying”.
You invite the power of gravity at that moment, and the power of gravity says……
“Yes sir, I am here for you.”
あなたはその瞬間に重力の強い力を招き入れ、そして重力の力は言います……「はい、ご主人様、私はあなたのためにここにいます。 ”
With your invitation to the power of gravity, immediately the power of gravity serves your call.
If you want the body to lift up, the body immediately lifts up. This is a proof. We are not talking fanciful words. Vedic Education is a practical field of education.
身体を浮き上がらせたいと望めば、瞬時に身体は浮き上がります。 これが証拠です。 私たちは空想の話を話しているのではありません。 ヴェーダ教育は実践分野の教育です。
We have seen that present education increases ignorance more than knowledge.
“Vedic Education” increases knowledge all the time, until you have gained access to the total knowledge of creativity—the infinite creativity of Natural Law.
It is a different thing, but that is our offer. Take it and enjoy…………
それは通常の知識とは異なるでしょうが、しかしそれが私たちの提供するものです。 受け取って楽しんでください…………
or if you don’t take it today, tomorrow you’ll take it, or the third day you’ll take it.”
今日受け取らなかったら、明日受け取るか、明後日にあなたは受け取ることでしょう。 ”
From Global Press Conference, 8.9.2004