Reference. Nidich S, Mjasiri S, Nidich R, Rainforth M, Grant J, Valosek L, Chang W, Zigler RL. Academic achievement and Transcendental Meditation: a study with at-risk urban middle school students. Education,131(3): 556-564 (2011).




Nidich S, Mjasiri S, Nidich R, Rainforth M, Grant J, Valosek L, Chang W, Zigler RL. Academic achievement and Transcendental Meditation: a study with at-risk urban middle school students. Education,131(3): 556-564 (2011).


Colbert RD, Nidich S. Effect of the Transcendental Meditation Program on graduation, college acceptance and dropout rates for students attending an urban public high school. Education 133(4): 495-501 (2013).

Reference. Colbert, R. D., and S. Nidich. “Effect of the Transcendental Meditation Program on Graduation, College Acceptance and Dropout Rates for Students Attending an Urban Public High School.” Education 133, no. 4 (2013): 495-501.

これは、都市部のハイスクールにおける最終学年の生徒235人を対象にした研究である。低い成績平均点の生徒たちのうち、TMを行なった瞑想生徒たちの卒業率は72.9%に増加した。TMを行わなかった非瞑想生徒たちの卒業率は47.9%であった。生徒全体で見ると、卒業率は瞑想生徒では 83.1%、非瞑想生徒では 66.7% であった。高い成績平均点の生徒たちは、瞑想生徒で 97.5%、非瞑想生徒で 96.7% であり、ほぼ全員が卒業した。 (Colbert and Nidich 2013)

Robert C. Colbert, Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut

Sanford Nidich, Maharishi University of Management

Colbert, R. D., and S. Nidich. “Effect of the Transcendental Meditatation Program on Graduation, College Acceptance and Dropout Rates for Students Attending an Urban Public High School.” Education 133, no. 4 (2013): 495-501.


Reference. Colbert, R. D., and S. Nidich. “Effect of the Transcendental Meditation Program on Graduation, College Acceptance and Dropout Rates for Students Attending an Urban Public High School.” Education 133, no. 4 (2013): 495-501.

ハイスクールの生徒を対象にした同じ研究から、TM実習は、中退率を非瞑想者の20.5%から瞑想者の2.9%に減少させることが示された。 (Colbert and Nidich 2013)

Robert C. Colbert, Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut

Sanford Nidich, Maharishi University of Management


都市部ハイスクールの生徒を対象にした研究の三番目の発見は、すべてのサンプルに対して、瞑想する学生の59.3%が大学等に入学し、非瞑想者では33.3%であった (p = .0002)。(Colbert and Nidich 2013)

Robert C. Colbert, Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut

Sanford Nidich, Maharishi University of Management

Colbert, R. D., and S. Nidich. “Effect of the Transcendental Meditation Program on Graduation, College Acceptance and Dropout Rates for Students Attending an Urban Public High School.” Education 133, no. 4 (2013): 495-501.


Reference. Colbert, R. D., and S. Nidich. “Effect of the Transcendental Meditation Program on Graduation, College Acceptance and Dropout Rates for Students Attending an Urban Public High School.” Education 133, no. 4 (2013): 495-501.

都市部のハイスクール生徒を対象にした研究の3つめの発見は、サンプル全体に対して、瞑想生徒の大学等への進学率は 59.3% であり、これに対して非瞑想生徒では 33.3% であった。 (p = .0002).(Colbert and Nidich 2013)

Robert C. Colbert, Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut

Sanford Nidich, Maharishi University of Management

Colbert, R. D., and S. Nidich. “Effect of the Transcendental Meditation Program on Graduation, College Acceptance and Dropout Rates for Students Attending an Urban Public High School.” Education 133, no. 4 (2013): 495-501.